Damien and Greg watch Sea Patrol on channel 9. As the first program break commences, Damien attempts to tickle his dad. His father tickles Damien back. The play continues through the break, replacing attention toward the advertisements. When Sea Patrol resumes, both return their gaze to the program. The compounding of each physical encounter between Greg and Damien across the three breaks heightens the bond between father and son and enriches the communication between them as they wait for Sea Patrol to resume.

Damien and Greg watch Sea Patrol on channel 9. As the first program break commences, Damien attempts to tickle his dad. His father tickles Damien back. The play continues through the break, replacing attention toward the advertisements. When Sea Patrol resumes, both return their gaze to the program. The compounding of each physical encounter between Greg and Damien across the three breaks heightens the bond between father and son and enriches the communication between them as they wait for Sea Patrol to resume.

Answer: The social context

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