Concerning customer engagement Piezunka and Dahlander (2018) argue that many companies use crowdsourcing when trying to come up with innovation ideas. Often customers whose ideas are not selected do not receive an answer however, which decreases the likelihood of them sending a second idea to the same organization and can create negative feelings towards the company. What is one of the main dangers with detractors according to Reichheld (2003)?

Concerning customer engagement Piezunka and Dahlander (2018) argue that many companies use crowdsourcing when trying to come up with innovation ideas. Often customers whose ideas are not selected do not receive an answer however, which decreases the likelihood of them sending a second idea to the same organization and can create negative feelings towards the company. What is one of the main dangers with detractors according to Reichheld (2003)?

Answer: Disappointed customers spread their opinions about the company to family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances.

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